National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week: How Substance Use Increases Teen Car Accident Risks
Just because teens are old enough to get behind the wheel, that doesn’t mean they have the skills needed to protect themselves and others...

How Time Changes Increase The Risk Of Car Accidents and Work-Related Injuries
On Sunday, March 14, 2021, daylight savings time began. Unfortunately, surrendering an hour of sleep as we “spring forward” often proves...

Warmer Weather Increases Risks Of Motorcycle Accidents In Aiken
After a long winter, the weather is finally warmer and the days are getting longer. This means local residents will be spending more time...

How To Get Compensation For Slip and Fall Injuries
Slip and fall accidents are one of the leading causes of personal injuries. Victims often blame themselves when they happen and downplay...

Underride Truck Accident In Aiken Calls Attention To Potential Danger
Semi-trucks, tractor-trailers, and other big rigs are a common sight on roads in and around Aiken. While we rely on them to deliver many...