Can I Sue My Doctor for Negligence?
We put our trust in doctors to help make us well. Sadly, too many medical professionals are negligent in how they perform their jobs and...

How to Sue a City for Negligence and If You Should
Thousands of people work for the South Carolina government, including cities and counties. Most of us come into contact with one of these...

5 Ways on How to Prove Landlord Negligence
Tenants deserve a safe living environment. What’s more, South Carolina has building codes which require landlords to address dangerous or...

What is Negligent Hiring?
Many of our clients are hurt by another employee and may ask if they can sue the employer and the employee responsible for the harm. At...

What Is Culpable Negligence?
In South Carolina, negligence is the failure to use necessary care under the circumstances. Negligence is the most common cause of action...