Who Pays for a Guardian Ad Litem?
Minor children are too young to have a voice in legal proceedings which affect them. Nonetheless, courts do not simply assume that...

A Guide to Vexatious Litigation
The law gives lawyers wide discretion in how they litigate a case. So long as they don’t bring completely frivolous claims, they can...

What if a Non-Custodial Parent Does Not Exercise Visitation?
South Carolina law envisions that both parents will be involved in their children’s lives. For that reason, the noncustodial parent...

Prenuptial Agreement Checklist
Drafting a prenuptial agreement might sound like a headache. There are so many considerations that it’s easy to feel lost and consider...

Child Custody Mediation Checklist
Mediation helps parents put their disputes behind them and settle on what’s best for the children following divorce or separation. Many...

Alcohol Monitoring for Child Custody
When parents disagree about child custody, a judge will decide the issue based on all relevant evidence. Alcohol abuse is one major...

Predatory Marriage: Keep Your Loved One Safe
It’s never too late to find love. Unfortunately, many vulnerable people are hoodwinked by predators into getting married solely so the...

A Guide to Abandonment in Divorce
South Carolina recognizes five grounds for seeking divorce, and one of those is abandonment, also called desertion. If your spouse has...

Parental Alienation: The Laws Against Bad Mouthing the Other Parent
Some parents try to gain an edge in a custody dispute by trashing or bad mouthing the other parent. The goal may be to alienate the child...

Is Negligence Covered by Insurance?
Insurance covers negligence, which is why South Carolina requires that motorists carry liability insurance, which will cover situations...