Filing A Personal Injury Lawsuit After A Car Accident
After a car accident occurs, the drivers involved are required to exchange insurance information. Provided you are not at fault for the...

Choosing Between a Fault or No Fault Divorce
Going through the breakup of a marriage is painful, regardless of the reasons. With some couples, the decision to part ways is mutual....

Preventing Accidents & Injuries On Summer Vacation
Going on vacation lets you take a much needed break from work and daily responsibilities, while relaxing, enjoying time with family or...

Is There Legal Separation In South Carolina?
During the breakup of a marriage and prior to filing for divorce, couples often inquire about whether a legal separation is an option....

Children’s Safety Tips To Prevent Accidents and Injuries
As summer approaches, parents will be gearing up for summer vacation. While warm weather provides plenty of opportunities for your child...

Common Causes of On-The-Job-Accidents & Injuries
While some jobs are more dangerous than others, on-the-job accidents and injuries can happen in any occupation. Whether you work on a...

Tips to Prevent Motorcycle Accidents & Injuries
South Carolina’s temperate weather and abundance of attractions make it an ideal place to ride a motorcycle. Annual spring and fall...

Getting Your License Reinstated After A DUI
Being charged with driving under the influence (DUI) in South Carolina is a serious criminal matter. In addition to a criminal record and...

Personal Injury Compensation Claims
Now that spring is here, more people are out and about, engaged in a variety of hobbies and activities. Unfortunately, this can result in...

South Carolina Divorce & Division of Marital Property
In addition to the emotional toll that results from the breakup of a marriage, there are practical aspects to consider as well. While you...