7 Top Reasons a Judge Will Change Custody Agreements
Children need stability, so South Carolina judges are not eager to change custody agreements. Nonetheless, it is possible to revisit a...

Can Child Support be Taken from a Retirement Fund?
Many tools are available to enforce compliance when parents do not fulfill their child support obligations. Some measures—like seeking to...

Divorce Across State Lines: Can You File for Divorce in Another State?
Before you can file for divorce, you need to make sure that a court in the state has the legal authority to hear your case. This...

Types of Custody in South Carolina
Raising a child without being married to the other parent is a challenge. At Surasky Law Firm, our legal team has assisted men and women...

Is a Pre-Birth Custody Agreement Possible?
When two parents are not married to each other, they will need to establish custody of their child. If the two are living together, then...

Guardianship vs. Custody: What’s the Difference?
On a first blush, guardianship and custody might seem similar. Many people use the terms interchangeably, and both guardians and those...

Termination of Parental Rights in South Carolina
Parents have important rights that are not easy to terminate. Nonetheless, termination sometimes happens voluntarily, or the state takes...

Who to Notify After a Legal Name Change
People change their name for a variety of reasons. Some do so when they get married or divorced. Others change their name simply to pick...

Separation vs. Divorce
South Carolina residents have a couple of different ways to end their marriages. One is to live separately and apart for a year, allowing...

Guardianship versus Adoption: What’s the Difference?
Adults hoping to raise a non-biological child can either adopt or seek guardianship. Both are attractive options, depending on your...