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Facing South Carolina DUI Charges? You May Be Able to Keep Your License

South Carolina takes a tough stance on drunk drivers. Law enforcement officials in Aiken and throughout the state vigilantly monitor highways and local roads, regularly setting up DUI checkpoints. In addition to having to pay heavy fines and court costs while attending mandatory drug and alcohol classes, one of the most significant penalties drivers face is the loss of their driving privileges. While most people think that a DUI means they will have to forsake driving for a period of months or even years, there are ways to be able to keep your license, regardless of whether you are convicted on the charges.

Avoiding Automatic License Suspension

Getting charged with driving under the influence (DUI) can have major impacts on every area of your life. It can jeopardize your job and tarnish your reputation, both at home and in the community, while costing you thousands of dollars in fines and expenses. Getting your license suspended is a significant hardship for most people, making it difficult for them to work, go to school, or attend important appointments. Fortunately, there are ways to keep your license, even if you face these charges.

One of the most common ways in which your driver’s license may be suspended is by refusing to take a blood or breath alcohol content (BAC) test if you are pulled over. While this denies prosecutors valuable evidence in your case, most people fear the automatic license suspension that goes along with it. Under the South Carolina Code of Laws, you can have your license suspended for this reason, but you are also entitled to challenge this decision. You have 30 days after your traffic stop to request a hearing. While you await scheduling and your attorney gathers evidence in your case, you may be able to drive on a temporary license.

Alternative to DUI Suspension

If you are charged with drunk driving, getting an experienced DUI defense attorney on your side should be a top priority. In addition to helping you avoid the serious penalties associated with these charges, we can help prevent you from having a permanent criminal record.

Even with a conviction for DUI or unlawful alcohol concentration (DUAC), we may still be able to help you get your license. There are two options offered through the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (SCDMV):

  • A provisional license, which allows you to continue driving on a first DUI offense

  • A route restricted license, which allows you to go between home, work, and school during the terms of a DUI suspension

Get Help Today

Do not let a DUI ruin your life. At the Surasky Law Firm, LLC., we can help defend you against these charges while protecting you against serious penalties. To request a confidential consultation to discuss your case, contact our Aiken DUI defense attorney today.

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