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Bicycle Laws in South Carolina

If you were hurt in a bicycle accident in South Carolina, Surasky could be able to assist you in holding the responsible party accountable. You might be entitled to financial compensation to cover your injury-related expenses, including medical bills. To learn how our personal injury lawyer at Surasky can help, get in touch with us today.

Bicycle Laws in South Carolina

First, it’s important to know the bicycle laws in South Carolina you must follow when using your bike, as it could affect your case. The bicycle laws in South Carolina, are generally described here. Please visit the Department of Transportation of South Carolina to see the complete set of laws.

Remain on the Right Hand Side

Except in situations when doing so would put them or other people in imminent danger, cyclists are required to ride in designated bike lanes. You must ride as far to the right as you safely and sensibly can when using roads without bike lanes.

Number of Riders

It's critical to understand how many riders your bicycle can carry. A bicycle may not carry more people than it was intended to in South Carolina.

Reflector Lights

It is risky to bicycle at night. However, South Carolina law mandates that if you decide to ride at night, your bike must be outfitted with a front white light that can be seen from at least 500 feet away as well as a red rear light or red rear reflector light that can be seen from at least 300 feet away. Also, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advise wearing reflective apparel when cycling at night.

Traffic Signals

Bicyclists are subject to the same stop sign and red light regulations as automobiles. You have to stop completely when riding a bike at both stop signs and red lights.


The necessity to signal turns (often with hand signals) and stops is another legislation applicable to vehicles and bikes.


When riding a bike, you must have at least one hand on the handlebars. Generally, unless while signaling a turn, you should keep both hands on the handlebars.

Keep to the Shoulder

Bicyclists must ride as far to the right as they can without endangering themselves or others where there is no bike lane present. However, although it is an option, riding on the shoulder is not mandatory for bikers.

Are Riders Legally Required to Wear a Helmet?

The cycling rules in South Carolina do not mandate that cyclists wear any safety equipment, such as helmets. Insurance companies may attempt to refute your claim by arguing that by not using a helmet, you increased the severity of the collision. You can still pursue your claim no matter what safety equipment you may or may not have worn during the accident.

Law Suits After a Bike Accident in South Carolina

If the motorist was at fault, the cyclist who sustained injuries in the motor vehicle-bicycle collision may bring a claim against them. However, if you successfully get compensation from the driver's insurance provider, you may not need to file a personal injury case. Personal injury lawyers frequently succeed in settling cases with insurers to keep their clients out of court.

According to South Carolina law, an accident victim's proportion of fault may be used to lower the compensation they are eligible to receive after filing a claim or lawsuit. You might be entitled to less compensation if you engaged in risky cycling practices that contributed to your accident. This is just another reason why it's crucial to comprehend and abide by South Carolina's bike rules.

How to Prove Driver Was at Fault for the Accident?

It is not unusual for police officers who attend to a bicycle accident to blame the biker directly. Thankfully, police reports won't be admissible in court for a bike accident, leaving the investigation and the facts to determine the case's outcome. A good lawyer from the team at Surasky can help you create the case you need to support your assertion.

Recovering Expenses After a South Carolina Bike Accident

You might be able to obtain compensation based on the expenses and damages you incurred as a result of your collision by making an insurance claim or filing a lawsuit.

As a result, the extent of the victim's damages, including the seriousness of their injuries and the extent of the required medical care, determines how much money can be recovered in these circumstances.

Commonly recouped damages include the following:

  • Costs of present and upcoming medical expenses and related care

  • Payroll, income, and benefit losses

  • Reduced earning potential for long-term disabilities

  • Property harm

  • Death

  • Related costs

  • Distress and suffering

  • Additional intangible losses

Contact a South Carolina Bike Accident Lawyer

Surasky Law will gladly step in and handle your personal injury claim if you reach out to us following a crash. We can negotiate with insurers, help document your losses, and answer any questions you might have. Please call us today to schedule a free consultation.



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