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Distracted Driving Awareness Month: Know The Three Common Types of Driving Distractions

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month and calls attention to one of the biggest dangers on the road. Distracted driving is a leading cause of car accidents resulting in serious, often life-threatening personal injuries. It’s important to be aware of the three common types of driving distractions and how they could be putting you and your passengers at risk.

Be Aware Of Common Driving Distractions

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), distracted driving is a factor in nearly 25 percent of car accidents. It claims the lives of close to 3,000 people each year while leaving over 400,000 drivers and passengers suffering serious personal injuries. In an effort to raise awareness of the dangers, the CDC has identified three common types of driving distractions:

Visual Distractions

These cause you to take your eyes off the road. The CDC warns that when traveling at 55 miles per hour or greater, looking away for even a few seconds is the equivalent of driving the entire length of a football field blind. It gives less time to respond appropriately to sudden changes in traffic or road conditions and increases the risks of life-threatening injuries if a collision does happen.

Common types of visual distractions include:

· Checking your appearance in rearview mirrors

· Looking at directions on GPS devices

· Staring at sights outside the vehicle

· Turning your head to talk to passengers

Manual Distractions

These cause you to take your hands off the wheel. Removing one or both hands makes you more likely to swerve or otherwise lose control of your vehicle. It also prevents you from steering away from potential collisions.

Common types of manual distractions include:

· Holding coffee while driving

· Eating fast food while driving

· Rooting for items in your handbag or glove compartment

· Changing radio or GPS settings

· Reaching to attend to children in the backseat

Cognitive Distractions

These are distractions that divert your mind from the important task of driving. Driving is a complex task and requires all of your concentration. To prevent potential car accidents, you need to be aware of what is going on in front, behind, and beside you at all times. Unfortunately, it’s easy to let our minds wander and get distracted either from fatigue, by thinking of work and problems, and by planning out activities you intend to pursue later.

Accidents Can Result from a Combination of Distractions

Most accidents involve at least two types of driving distractions. Talking on cellphones and texting is particularly dangerous, as it involves all three types. This is why it is illegal under the South Carolina Statutes to use any type of handheld electronic device while behind the wheel.

Our Aiken Car Accident Attorney Is Here To Help

Distracted Driving Awareness Month calls attention to the three common types of driving distractions. When distracted driving accidents happen, you can count on the Surasky Law Firm to provide the trusted legal guidance you need in filing a claim. To request a consultation, contact our Aiken car accident attorney today.



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