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National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week: How Substance Use Increases Teen Car Accident Risks

Just because teens are old enough to get behind the wheel, that doesn’t mean they have the skills needed to protect themselves and others on the road. Teen car accidents in Aiken are a common problem and can leave teenage drivers, their passengers, and other motorists involved suffering serious personal injuries. Alcohol and drug use is a common factor in these crashes. Learn why National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week is bringing awareness to how substance use increases teen car accident risks.

The Impacts Of Drugs and Alcohol On Teen Drivers

Each year at the end of March, National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week aims to raise awareness of substance abuse among teens. Through social media campaigns and community events, local, state, and federal officials share facts about the impacts of alcohol and drug use. In addition to jeopardizing their overall health, it increases teen car accident risks. Impaired driving is a frequent factor in teen-related car accidents.

The common effects substance use has on teens behind the wheel include:

Decreased coordination, which can impact their ability to steer and makes them more likely to make dangerous mistakes, such as hitting the gas pedal rather than the brakes

Increased distraction, making it harder for them to concentrate on the road in front of them

Reduced response time, making them less likely to respond appropriately to unexpected changes in traffic, road conditions, and emergency events

Poor judgment, making them more likely to get behind the wheel while under the influence and to take other risks

Speeding, running red lights, and other dangerous driving behaviors are common among teens and increase not only the risk of car accidents but the severity of injuries. Being under the influence makes them more likely to engage in these behaviors. Teens also are more at risk for drowsy driving car accidents. Drugs and alcohol increase these risks as well.

Preventing Alcohol and Drug-Related Teen Car Accidents

According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), teens are more likely to get into car accidents than any other age group. It’s important for parents to be vigilant in warning teens of the dangers and in monitoring their driving, both to protect them and others on the road.

Steps to prevent teen alcohol and drug-related crashes include:

● Limit your child’s driving at night and on weekends

● Use cell phone apps to monitor where they travel

● Make an agreement that they will call you instead of driving under the influence

● Penalize traffic infractions by withholding driving privileges

As a motorist, if you see a carload of teens driving erratically, give them plenty of space. Pull over at the first safe location and alert police. This could save their lives and the lives of others on the road.

Contact Our Aiken Car Accident Attorney

At the Surasky Law Firm, we help you get the compensation you need to recover when car accidents happen. To discuss your case, contact our Aiken car accident attorney and request a consultation today.



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