Safety Tips To Reduce The Risk Of Bicycle Accidents In Aiken

Bicycling is more than just a fun hobby, or a way to stay fit. It provides a primary means of transportation for many people. Unfortunately, the amount of traffic on local roads and reckless behavior on the part of drivers can end up putting bicyclists at risk. Bicycle accidents in Aiken often result in serious, potentially life-threatening personal injuries. The following offers tips both for bicyclists and drivers to prevent these types of crashes from happening.
Find out more about bicycle injuries and accidents and what you can do about a personal injury case relating to this by contacting the Surasky Law Firm today. Request Consultation
Safety Tips For Bicyclists
A recent bicycle accident in Aiken proved fatal for a 28-year-old local man. According to a September 2, 2021 WJBF News report, the tragic crash happened at 4:30 p.m. on a Thursday afternoon, at the corner of Wrights Mill and Rushton Roads. Police reports indicate the bicyclist was traveling on Rushton when he ran a stop sign. A driver in a 2021 Toyota Highlander headed down Wrights Mill Road at the same time struck the bicyclist as he entered the intersection. Police are continuing to investigate the case and no charges have been filed against the driver.
Unfortunately, the above case is not that uncommon. With little to protect them in collisions involving motor vehicles, injuries suffered by bicyclists are often severe. To protect themselves against being involved in a bicycle accident, the South Carolina Department of Public Safety (SCDPS) urges bicyclists to follow these tips:
Ride in the same direction as traffic;
Stick to the right-hand lane, as far to the side of the road as possible;
Take advantage of bicycle lanes, when available;
Obey all traffic signs and signals;
Use hand signals when making turns;
Make sure your bike has proper lighting when riding at night;
Wear light, bright colors to increase visibility.
Bicyclists should never assume a driver sees them or will yield the right of way in intersections. While not required by law in South Carolina, wearing an approved safety helmet can reduce your risks of fatal bicycle accidents by as much as 40 percent.
Bicycle Safety Tips For Drivers
While bicyclists are required to take steps to protect themselves, when bicycle accidents in Aiken do happen it is often the result of recklessness on the part of drivers. To protect others on the road and to avoid liability for bicycle accident injuries, Edmunds advises motorists to follow these tips:
Recognize that bicyclists have just as much right to be on the road as anyone else;
Respect the limitations bicyclists have, particularly when it comes to rider safety;
Give bicyclists at least three feet of space on the road;
Be alert for bicyclists when making turns;
Avoid driving distractions, such as talking on cellphones or texting, which increases bicycle accident risks.
Contact Us Today for Help
If you are involved in a bicycle accident in Aiken, reach out to The Surasky Law Firm. We provide the trusted legal guidance you need in filing a claim. Call or contact our Aiken personal injury attorney online and request a consultation today.